Thursday, September 1, 2011

View From the Phlipside Radio - Steve Jobs

My name is Jay Phillippi and I've spent my life in and around the media.  TV, radio, the movies and more.  I love them, and I hate them and I always have an opinion.  Call this the View from the Phlipside.

Visionary, egomaniac, pioneer, loose cannon.  The greatest innovator of the last 25 years or the worst boss on the planet.  Love him or hate him (and plenty of people fall into either of those categories) Steve Jobs has been a pivotal part of our recent history.  The latest chapter in that history was written last week when Jobs announced he was stepping down as CEO of Apple,the company he helped found, because he was no longer able to fulfill his duties.

A thumbnail sketch of Jobs life is the best I can do on a program this short.  He was an adopted child who later dropped out of college after only a single semester.  With a few friends he founded a computer company called Apple in 1976.  Jobs brought a vision of what a computer should look like that was decidedly different.  He focused on the aesthetics and how the user interacted with the computer.  He was, and largely remains, a perfectionist much the dismay of some of his employees.  Jobs also plays to win and is an intimidating business rival much to the dismay of just about everyone in the world not working at Apple.  For Apple fanatics every pronouncement from Steve Jobs has the impact of Moses coming down the mountain with stone tablets.  He has been the spirit, the voice and the face of Apple Incorporated.

Which is not to say that all has been peaches and cream.  In 1985 Jobs lost a power struggle and left Apple.  While he was gone he created several innovative and/or successful companies while Apple gradually lost momentum and direction.  His triumphant return helped put Apple on course to becoming one of the most valuable companies in the world.

So where does that leave us in the course of finding Jobs place in history?  I’ve criticized his heavy handed decision making on more than a couple occasions here.  The reality is that like any of the great captains of industry Steve Jobs has gone his own way, demanded that world bend to his will, and made it stick.  His impact on the world we live in right now with smartphones, personal computers and digital music has his fingerprints all over it.  When history looks back at this time whether it is technology, business or social influence I think Steve Jobs name will get prominent mention.

And that is exactly as it should be.  Be well Mr. Jobs and thank you.

Call that the View From the Phlipside

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