Sunday, September 11, 2011

Movie Updates

Let's see what I've been watching:

Secretariat - (2010)  This was one I meant to see in the theaters and just never got to it.  I'm betting I missed some of the experience because of it.  I remember the time of the film vividly (the early '70s).  I remember the amazing buzz around this big horse.  No one could believe that he was doing what he did.  As it turned out his owner, his trainer, his jockey and Big Red himself believed.  And that was all that was needed.  With each win the buzz grew until that stunning, astounding, not-even-Hollywood-would-try-to-sell-this-ending that actually happened.  Maybe it was just the memories carrying me along but I don't think so.  This is a wonderful movie with some fabulous characters including the horse himself and an outstanding cast.  Well worth seeing.

2012 - (2009)  When this one popped up on one of my movie channels I thought "What movie is this?"  I have no memory of it in the theaters or being advertised or anything.  Weirdly it finished as one of the Top 20 films of the year.  With John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Danny Glover, Oliver Platt and Woody Harrelson the cast had plenty of recognizable names.  This is an end of the world flick and isn't too bad.  It just isn't real good either.  The 200 million dollar budget resulted in great effects but as per usual big effects movies leave the story line a little thin.  Not a bad movie for a rainy, lazy afternoon.

The Three Burials of Melchiades Estrada - (2005)  Tommy Lee Jones directorial debut is a movie that is strange and compelling for me.  The story unfolds in pieces that bounce between different times and characters.  Things are never quite what they appear and the ending appeals to me because it was well done, unexpected and decidedly NOT standard Hollywood.  I was particularly impressed by Jones' visual sense.  A couple of times you get just a taste of John Huston's mastery of the wide open western skies. This is not your stock Hollywood movie.  And that may be the best, most complimentary thing I can say about it.  I enjoyed the movie immensely.

The Machinist - (2004) Speaking of not your stock Hollywood movie.  Although once upon a time Hollywood made movies like this.  The first thing you notice about this movie is the Christian Bale's skeletal look.  He dropped something like 60 pounds for the role and wanted to lose more but the director feared for his health.  Given that he had to turn right around and put on all kinds of muscle for his next movie (Batman Begins) they were probably right.  This is a good old fashioned psychological thriller with a large dose of Hitchcock and just a touch of Fellini.  This movie is not casual viewing.  It wants to think, to wonder, quite honestly to be confused.  Visually striking and impressive.  Not surprisingly it did much better worldwide than it did at home.

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