Tuesday, September 13, 2011

View From the Phlipside Radio - Lucas Redux

My name is Jay Phillippi and I've spent my life in and around the media.  TV, radio, the movies and more.  I love them, and I hate them and I always have an opinion.  Call this the View from the Phlipside.

So here’s our question for today - What is wrong with George Lucas?  George Lucas the man who brought us the iconic movies/series American Graffiti, Star Wars and Indiana Jones.   It would seem he had a grip on the movie making process.  But apparently not.

Here’s the bit he seems to have forgotten.  Once you have created an iconic image or story or whatever you LEAVE IT ALONE!  But not our George.

Earlier this year I discussed the announced Star Wars 3D version scheduled to be inflicted on the movie watching world starting early next year.  I’m still in the 3D is a passing fad (again) camp.  I’ve seen it used really well a couple times and with no particular distinction a couple more.  

But just in case the folks at LucasFilm haven't alienated enough of the Star Wars faithful they’ve now announced that for the upcoming Blu-Ray boxed set they are making more changes to the original material.   This isn’t new, George has done it before.  He’s used improved CGI technology to change things in previous releases.  Now he’s  fiddling around even more.  The change getting the most attention is adding a long Noooooo to Darth Vader’s dialogue when he saves Luke from destruction by the Emperor.  Think Capt Kirk in The Wrath of Khan.  The other is changing the sound Obi Wan uses to scare away the Sand People.  Both sound silly and out of place to my ear.

The reality is that most of the changes are small and only the dedicated fan base will even notice them.  But the other side of the coin is that you don’t fiddle with an icon.  Lucas seemed to realize this when he said that the original DVD releases would be the definitive version.  That was back in 1997!  When you keep fiddling with an icon you’re telling all the fans that they have idolized a lesser creation.  Any artist will tell you that eventually you have to say “OK, I’m done now” and let the work have its own life.  To be constantly adjusting and fiddling and changing says that it’s all about you.  At this point George Lucas needs to step away his movies and stop letting his ego call him to the Dark Side.

Call that the View From the Phlipside

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