Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sabbatical Grump-date

Yes, grump-date.  I've been struggling to get the last big project done before I go off on retreat to do the major writing portion of this sabbatical.  And for the last two days one thing after another has decided to be uncooperative.

As of today it's clear I'm not going to get the last of the four projects done before I leave.  I will make a bit more progress in the next 24 hours but it won't be finished.  It's about 60% done at the moment (including the little bit more I hope to get done).  And that's going to have to be good enough for now.

It's dawned on me that I have in my mind that I'm trying to produce these perfect projects when in reality I'm really working on prototypes.  I'm doing a variety of things I've never really tried before and putting things together in ways I've seen but never done myself.  As "finished products" mine are a bit scabby but as prototypes I'm much happier with them.  Yes, things don't fit perfectly and the finishes aren't exactly as designed but there's nothing embarrassing and some of it is quite nice.

So here's the deal for next week.  I will be dropping off of pretty much all my normal communications with the possible exception of this blog.  Since it posts (eventually!) to Facebook folks who are interested can follow along there.  My goal is to be as much into the "come ye apart" mentality as I can.  I really need time to think and pray and write and perhaps do some photography along the way.  The last couple days have been so frantic that I need to get back to my calmer sabbatical self.

Keep me in your prayers.


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