Friday, April 30, 2010

OMG - Bad writing

This may be the worst piece of writing I've come across in a best selling novel in many years.  I'll spare the
author the ignominy of naming the book from which it comes :

"He was probably in his late fifties, gangly as a praying mantis, with a comely face full of tight features.  Dark eyes were sunk deep into his head, no longer bright with the power of intellect, but nonetheless piercing."

The no longer bright comment is especially interesting since the character making the assessment HAS NEVER SEEN THIS PERSON BEFORE!!!!!

Or is it just me?

This ranks right down there with another best selling author I've been reading who kept referring to a file folder (which was doing nothing other than existing) as "burgeoning".

I can write at least as well as these clowns.

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