Wednesday, March 24, 2010

View From the Phlipside - Politcal ads

My name is Jay Phillippi and I've spent my life in and around the media.  TV, Radio, the movies and more.  I love 'em and I hate 'em and I always have an opinion.  Call this The View From the Phlipside

I remember shortly after President Obama was sworn in there was some discussion about how much coverage there should be of his two daughters.  At the time I took the position that the correct answer was "As close to zero as is humanly possible".  I still believe that.  It's one of the few "rules of the game" that continues to be honored.  At least most of the time.

As part of the health reform battle a group fighting the latest bill stepped over the line.  In southern Ohio forces arguing against the bill ran an ad that featured the small children of Democratic Representative Steve Driehaus.  The group, the Committee to Re-Think Reform, was quick to acknowledge that it had been a mistake, apologized publicly, in print and directly to the Representative.  The problem is that it leaves even their supporters with only two explanations.  Either they are vile, cynical ideologues or they are idiots.  But that's not all they have to explain.  More on that in a minute.

I want to take a minute to address the feeling that many people have that politics today is nastier, rougher and more unscrupulous than in ages gone by.  Let me read you a quote from earlier in our national history.  I quote " Can serious and reflecting men look about them and doubt that, if (he) is elected and (his party) get into authority, those morals which protect our lives from the knife of the assassin, which guard the chastity of our wives and daughters from seduction and violence, defend our property from plunder and devastations and shield our religion form contempt and profanation not be trampled upon?"  That's from a presidential campaign.  Elect this man and your women will be ravaged, your property confiscated, religion defiled and our very lives threatened.  The man who would bring about this horrible fate for our nation?  Thomas Jefferson.

American politics have ALWAYS been nasty.  Mary Lincoln was accused of being a spy for the Confederacy.  The first lady accused of treason.  No, our politics aren't any nastier than before.  In fact the argument might be made that they LESS nasty than before.  Frightening concept, isn't it?  However it might be argued that our politics are STUPIDER than ever before.

That's where the last note from that southern Ohio story comes in.  You see the folks who ran the ad not only stepped over the line by using the Congressman's children they overlooked one other very important point.  You see Congressman Dreihaus was firmly AGAINST his party's reform legislation already.  That's right, they ran attack ads against someone who AGREES with them.  Really makes you lean towards the idiot option, doesn't it?

Call that the View From the Phlipside.

"The View From the Phlipside" airs on WRFA-LP Jamestown NY.  You can listen to WRFA online HERE
Copyright - Jay Phillippi 2010

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