Monday, March 22, 2010

An addition to Context

Last week I published my look at what is the foundation of the Episcopal context for spirituality.  When I went over it with one of the folks who are working with me on this sabbatical she pointed out that I had dropped something.  Something very important.  So I have gone back and added it (in italics below) to the original post

  • That our spirituality respects and requires both the mind and the heart and action
Our spirituality is not and has never been one that is internal to ourselves.  We are called to work it out in the world.  From the very earliest days our spirituality has expressed itself in a social environment based primarily in the family model.  The early church gatherings among Celtic Christians were very focused on the idea that they functioned as a family.  They were much more accustomed to thinking of family in large group terms something that is a bit foreign to us today.  Consequently their faith was never a "just on Sunday" kind of thing.  That's a good tradition to recall and refurbish.

My thanks to Virginia who has agreed to walk with me on this journey for catching that.

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