Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tidbits from my travels

Just got back from my first ever trip to Charlotte NC.  A few thoughts:

Perhaps it was just enjoying the Spring like conditions as compared to what I knew awaited me at home but Charlotte strikes me as a lovely city.  Cities with dedication to civic green space, fountains and public statuary always appeal to me.  Charlotte also has an incredible array of eating establishments.  Special notice goes to Mert's Heart and Soul Restaurant which is right next to the hotel where our meeting was being held.  Didn't get a chance to try any of the soul food other than the banana pudding but loved the decor, loved the pudding, the service was great and everyone ELSE who did get the chance to try the Low Country and Gullah foods loved them.  Everyone in Charlotte was pleasant and helpful and wonderful.  Really enjoyed what little I experienced of the city.

Continental Airlines -  We were 26 minutes EARLY getting into Charlotte and 50 minutes EARLY getting into Newark on the way back.  What can I say?  Wish all my air travel was this efficient.

It is great to be back working with the Provincial Youth Ministry Coordinators of The Episcopal Church.  I only knew 2 of them at all well when I walked in the door but they were wonderful.  Good folks and I'm looking forward to working with them.

Likewise I enjoyed meeting and hanging out with folks from ECCE (Episcopal Council of Church Educators), Campus Ministry and Ministry for Young Adults.  We had a GREAT time bowling at Strike City   Given how Buffalo LOVES to bowl someone explain why we don't have someplace like this.  Think Sports Bar meets upscale bowling alley.  It was a blast!  The fact that I rolled a 182 with a beat up house ball probably colors my memory.  That and the $2/pint beer special (relax I had only 2 over the course of the entire evening)

I come back with some very interesting ideas about bringing the spirit of cooperation of this meeting back home to the Province and the Diocese too.  More on that later.

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