Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Best of the Web - The Hunt for Gollum

The Hunt for Gollum - (2009) - This is a low budget, independent and unofficial prequel to the Lord of the Rings movies.  It tells the story of Aragorn's pursuit and capture of Gollum.  This story is told primarily in the appendices of the Tolkien's Lord of the Rings books.

No, that's not Viggo.
And yes, it looks a LOT like him!
Made by a group of fans on a budget of about $5,000 (US).  Writer/Producer/Director Chris Bouchard acknowledges the inspiration of the Peter Jackson major motion pictures.  This is really an astounding piece of fan video.  The production crew consisted of 160 volunteers as they shot in parts of England and Wales.  The final version debuted in 2009 and is well past 12 million views.  An awful lot of fan produced media is simply awful.  This shows the potential of work created by people who truly love the original material.

What's really astounding is the quality of the cinematography and the direction.  With all the tacky, poorly shot video out there it's wonderful to run into something that has some quality to it.  It's not perfect but it stands head and shoulders above most.  Bouchard has a feel not only for the material but also the medium in which he is creating.

The movie runs 38 minutes long and can be viewed for free on YouTube.  View it HERE
Take a look at the production home page HERE

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