Saturday, December 24, 2011

Books - Two winners and a legend

Some longer books so the list isn't quite as long this week.

The Best of John W. Campbell - If you're a student of the so-called Golden Age of Science Fiction then you've come across the name of John Campbell.  Campbell was a popular writer in his own right at the beginning of his career.  But it was when he moved on the become the editor and visionary for   Astounding magazine that his real influence on the genre began.  Campbell was an active supporter of what he viewed as the best young writers.  Names like Asimov, Heinlein, Van Vogt, Sturgeon and many, many others from the Golden Age of Science Fiction.  Later in life Campbell became an ever more divisive character.  But his influence during the acme of Astounding can not be diminished.  I have to admit that about half these stories leave me completely cold.  The writing style of the '20's I find very hard to get into as a reader.  As you move along however they get better and better.  At the very end you get "Who Goes There" which is the basis for the classic movie "The Thing From Another Planet" (commonly referred to simply as The Thing which is what several re-makes have been titled).  The story is enthralling and nearly makes up for the earlier, dated material.
Rating - *** (Worth a Read)

Voices of the Dead - Peter Leonard (The Story Plant) - The author is the son of mystery icon Elmore Leonard and this apple hasn't fallen far from the tree.  That probably tells you everything you really need to know about this book.  It's good.  Damn good. Set in 1971 a Holocaust survivor is told that his beloved daughter was killed in a car crash.  What he discovers drags him back to Germany during the war and brings him face to face with the man who devastated his life twice.  It's a story that won't let you go from a writer that has truly found his stride.  Father Leonard writes the introduction to this book which is set to hit the shelves in mid-January.  Put it on your "To Be Read" List for 2011
Rating - **** (Recommended Read)

Trigger Point by Matthew Glass (Grove/Atlantic) - Imagine that the last several year's worth of financial headlines crashed headlong into the Cuban Missile Crisis and you have Trigger Point.  This book will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck because it is all so possible.  In fact it begins to feel all too likely after a while.  A minor military manuever combines with some clever stock manipulations to bring the entire world to edge of financial ruin and the United States and China to the brink of World War III.  This is the kind of book that will keep you up into the wee hours of the morning because you can't put it down.  Due out in early March.
Rating - **** (Recommended Read)

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