Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Book Review - The Time Keeper

The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom (2012 Hyperion)  Got this one as a Christmas present.  I read "Tuesdays with Morrie" a couple years ago and was moved by Albom's story.  So I was happy to put this on the To Read pile.

The book tells the story of Father Time.  He was the human who first invented time keeping and is condemned (?) by God to live in a cave listening to the voices of all the humans who wish for more time.  Eventually he is freed to follow two specific people, a young girl who wants less time and a fabulously wealthy man who wants more.

The storytelling isn't bad.  Albom has been word-smithing for decades now and knows how to make words do what he wants.  At the same time I kept feeling "It's A Wonderful Life" tap me on the shoulder as I read.  Both Sarah and Vincent will get their George Bailey moment as Dor (Father Time's real name) shows them what happens after their death.  Dor meanwhile struggles with memories of the life he lost so many years ago.

It's an interesting series of stories but at the end my reaction was "What's the point?".  Albom lays claim early on to a point of view that says creating a clock is a sin.  That's why Dor is punished.  I'm not sure I see that.  Certainly there is a mistake in mortgaging our lives to a false understanding of time.  It can't be stopped, it can't be negotiated with and in the end we will all cease.  Time is inexorable and uncaring.  We need to deal with it and realize that this moment, right now is a precious thing that we need enjoy and use well.

In the end Albom gets that line of thinking started so I guess that's a success.  I'm just left with a book that I don't mind having read but don't feel any great desire to ever re-visit.

Rating - *** Worth A Look (with a shrug)

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