Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Book Review - Spinning by MIchael Baron

Spinning - Michael Baron (2011 - The Story Plant) When I flipped this one open and saw the author being compared to Nicholas Sparks I almost closed it again.  No insult intended to Mr. Sparks or his legions of readers.  Just not my cup of tea.  But I was between books and really needed something to read.

Dylan Hunter is a rising star in the public relations business.  His life fulfilled all his dreams with a strong likelihood that it would continue for the foreseeable future.  Then a former fling showed up at his door early one morning with her three year old daughter in tow.  In the next six months that little girl will change everything in Hunter's life.  And in ways he never knew he wanted.  It's a story about change and love.

There's good news and bad news from this point on.

The bad news is that the characters are cliches, two dimensional stock characters.  The young aggressive Yuppy account executives who spend the nights scoping out sex partners at the hottest clubs and during the day setting the world on fire.  Yawn.

The good news is that Michael Baron is a talented writer.  Even with such an unpromising start he turns a tired old sow's ear into a silk purse.  There's nothing particularly surprising here, (OK, there's one twist in the middle that will probably jolt you) the plot is pretty predictable.  But the story telling is superb.  Really fine story telling can make up for a lot of other shortcomings.

In the end I was glad I kept reading.  I'm not sure I'd seek out Baron again though.

Rating - *** Worth A Look 

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