Monday, June 6, 2011

And we begin again

Three years ago I decided enough was enough and began my first truly serious attempt to lose weight and get in shape.  It worked.  I dropped 40 pounds and completely changed the way I looked.  It was wonderful.  At that point I was still about 10 pounds shy of my goal weight of 165.

A year later I had back slide just a bit and had put about 10 pounds back on.  I managed to stop the increase and was looking into what I needed to do to get back on track.

Then last year arrived and with it my stroke in October.  I've always eaten when I'm stressed and once I had my strength and appetite back I started to eat.  And 10 more pounds came back.  I did manage to stay in what this year's cast of "The Biggest Loser" referred to as One-derland.  I never pushed back over the 200 pound mark (although it was a VERY near thing).  It was lack of exercise, the post stroke depression or whatever and simply abandoning good eating habits.

Well that changes today.  I got up at what had been my usual time and I went for a walk/jog.  Haven't had the chance to measure the distance but I was out there for a half an hour.  So goal number one was met, at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week.  Getting back my eating discipline is actually not all that hard.

The most important thing is remembering that I've done this before.  I CAN do this because I HAVE done this.  I need to remember how great it felt to be that skinny me and how unhappy I am being this larger me.

My goals this summer are to get some serious bike riding in and to finally run that 5K.  Along the way I will lose weight and feel better.  Then a good winter's worth of workouts will keep me in shape till we're back to the warm weather again.

My starting weight this morning was 195 pounds.  There are usually some "easy" pounds to lose right up front (water weight often) so let's see if we can't get down to the 180s by July.  Hey, it's a goal.


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