Monday, March 28, 2011

View From the Phlipside - Rebecca Black and "Friday"

My name is Jay Phillippi and I've spent my life in and around the media.  TV, radio, the movies and more.  I love them, and I hate them and I always have an opinion.  Call this the View from the Phlipside.

Let’s take a minute or two to consider the latest digital music sensation, Rebecca Black.  First and foremost let me say that I have nothing against the young lady personally.  She and her family are giving her a shot at living out a dream.  More power to them all.

Second, a quick word about the song in question, “Friday”.  That word would be - awful.  The song apparently was written by adults so Rebecca escapes any blame for this monstrosity.  Even by the exceptionally low standards of pop music this song is idiotic.  Anyone over the age of 11 should feel insulted by it.  Billboard magazine estimates she’s sold just under 50 thousand copies of the song.  Forbes magazine reported that she’d rolled up 2 million dollars in sales then later retracted the figure.  Billboard figures she’s averaged about 25 thousand a week over the last couple weeks. Having heard the song I can’t explain that.  I don’t recommend anyone listening to this song because I think you’ll lose brain cells.  ‘Nuff said.

So what does that leave?  Well there’s the question of cyber bullying that Rebecca Black is claiming.  Bullying is a serious issue when you’re in 8th grade like Rebecca and cyber bullying is also a serious issue.  As near as I can tell Black thinks anyone who criticizes her or expresses an dislike for her is bullying her.  This is a clear indication to me that she wasn’t properly prepared for the world she inhabits now.  Having people talk trash about you goes with the pop star lifestyle (just ask Justin Bieber).  If you want everyone to like you (as many 8th grade teens do) then don’t go into pop music.  Can the comments go over the top?  Sure.  Claiming you “hate” a 13 year old because she got talked into recording a really stupid song is mindless and immature.  Sure the song is awful but Rebecca is taking a chance on a dream and is even making a little money.  What’s to “hate”?

Finally we have Lady Gaga weighing in on the whole Rebecca Black issue.  Her assessment?  Black is a genius.  Like so many things with Lady Gaga my reaction is - she’s kidding, right?

Andy Warhol said one day everyone would be world famous for 15 minutes.  Sure it may be for singing one of the worst pop songs in history but why not let the kid enjoy her time in the spotlight?

Call that the View From the Phlipside

While I don't recommend it, if you really WANT to find out what all the hubbub is about check out the video:

"The View From the Phlipside" airs on WRFA-LP Jamestown NY.  You can listen to WRFA online HERE
Copyright - Jay Phillippi 2011

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