Wednesday, March 23, 2011

View From the Phlipside - Miracle Whip

My name is Jay Phillippi and I've spent my life in and around the media.  TV, radio, the movies and more.  I love them, and I hate them and I always have an opinion.  Call this the View from the Phlipside.

Time for me to lay a little love on a commercial.  Every once in a while I see one that impresses me enough that I need to give them a little public display of affection.  I always love it when someone decides to turn a negative into a positive.

Late last month Miracle Whip decided to do just that.  When it comes to the white sandwich condiments there is are only three options - mayonnaise, Miracle Whip or none of the above.  I grew up in a Miracle Whip family.  That's all I ever knew and I've always found mayo to just be a little boring.  At the same time I know plenty of people for whom Miracle Whip is about the most disgusting thing they can imagine.  So how likely is it that we'll ever change our minds?  Probably pretty slim but there's always those folks on the fence who never really paid it all much attention.  How to win them over?

The latest ad campaign simply took the issue on head on.  It involves people who love and people who hate Miracle Whip.  On the pro side you'll see folks like political commentator James Carville and author Amy Sedaris.  On the other side you have the Jersey Shore's Pauly D.  Need I say more?

This isn't the first time that Miracle Whip has stepped to the plate over their unique taste versus mayo.  Back in 2009 they ran a campaign that said "We will not tone it down" defending their spicier flavor versus mayonnaise.  In response Stephen Colbert took on Miracle Whip and defended mayo as only Colbert could.  Turns out Miracle Whip wasn't going to back down either and promptly bought an extensive run of commercial time on Colbert's TV program.

Rather than try and be all things to all people they've simply embraced their difference.  The slogan for the campaign says it all "We're not for everyone (are you Miracle Whip?)".  The campaign ties in with a dedicated YouTube channel where you can leave your opinion (the lovers are way ahead of the haters at the moment) and even snag a free sample.

Advertising can too often be bland and boring (a lot like mayo really) when people decide to play it safe.  Three cheers for Miracle Whip standing up and saying  "Hey, not everyone likes us.  That's their problem".

Oh yeah, color me a little loud and tangy.

Call that the View From the Phlipside

"The View From the Phlipside" airs on WRFA-LP Jamestown NY.  You can listen to WRFA online HERE
Copyright - Jay Phillippi 2011

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