Monday, January 3, 2011

Theological Thoughts - On Michael Vick

I've been hearing another round of uproar about Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick.  There are many dog lovers for whom Vick, convicted in 2007 on charges of running a dog fighting kennel and executing some of those dogs with great cruelty, will be forever outside the pale.  Recently Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson said that he believed, as a Christian no less, that Vick should have been executed for those crimes.  Vick served 23 months in federal prison in Leavenworth Kansas.  That's not a "country club" minimum security facility.

He accepted responsibility for his actions.  He plead guilty to the charges and served his time.  He's acknowledged that what he did was wrong and is attempting to make amends.  To the best of my knowledge he hasn't gone back to his old ways.

But for some people what he did is unforgivable.


That's a tough word.  And even tougher if, like the self professed person of faith Tucker Carlson, you are a Christian.

Because that word has no place in our theological vocabulary.

I'm aware of only one unforgivable sin - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.  The intentional rejection of God's grace and mercy.  Not that you don't believe in them but rather you just reject them out of hand.  It's a hardness of heart issue.  That's it.  The only one that is unforgivable.

Somehow I think Michael Vick comes up short on that basis.

So why are so many people adamant about what's "unforgivable"?  Well first note that my argument only applies to faithful Christians.  Other faiths may have other attitudes and folks outside the life of faith are always able to make their own rules as they go.  As Christians we have no standing what so ever to hold this point of view.  First because we know it's not our job to pass this kind of judgement (not that it stops us).  Second because we know that we too have sinned and need to be forgiven.  In fact we lay out the standards for our own forgiveness in the Lord's Prayer - forgive us as we forgive others.  No forgiveness for Michael Vick?  Under the terms of your verbal contract with the Big Guy you can be denied forgiveness yourself.

Ouch.  Hey Tucker, want to re-think that comment?

Forgiveness is at the center of our faith.  It is the very heart of what it is to be a follower of Christ.  Look at the crucifix (no fair cheating with a cross that does not bear the likeness of the body of the savior.  Crucifix only, please) and decide that you are prepared or even fit to deny another human being forgiveness.  Repeat the words of the Lord's Prayer, and then say that Michael Vick is unforgivable.

He's done what is required.
You don't have to like him.
But you do have to forgive him.

Because to not do so is a sin.


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