Wednesday, August 25, 2010

View From the Phlipside - Coffee vs Technology push back

My name is Jay Phillippi and I've spent my life in and around the media.  TV, Radio, the Movies and more.  I love them and I hate them and I always have an opinion.  Call this the View From the Phlipside.

The digital future stretches away in front of us.  A superhighway of binary code pushing the past to the side.  And everyone can hardly wait to get there.

OK, that last statement is just wrong.  There’s a sizable portion of the world that either actively resists the technology tsunami or just doesn’t care.  Recent reports say that the anti-technology sentiment is now showing up in some unexpected places.  Like coffee shops.

Coffee shops have attained a cultural cool quotient that makes them a real player in society and business.  Even yours truly, a notorious non-drinker of coffee, is a regular in several of our local cafes.  I go for the good food and company.  Coffee shops have long been technorati friendly for those deeply immersed in their digital devices.  That tide may be turning.  On both the East and West coasts more coffee shops are becoming “No Computer” zones.  Some places have expanded the definition to include e-readers like the Kindle.  The problem is really not surprising.  Folks come in early the day and stay for hours upon hours nursing a single drink while taking up chair space and bandwidth.  Some places have simply dropped the Wi-Fi access.  

In the end what we’re really looking at is another set of challenges from the digital revolution.  The e-reader issue is going to be a non-starter.  I’m just as likely to sit for hours reading a novel as my e-reader (if I had one).  The coffee shops are going to have to face the reality that a great many of their clientele consider Wi-Fi a vital attribute for their business.  At the same time this comes back to the digital generations tendency to want things for free.  You gonna take up space at a local business you need to pay the freight.  We may need to come up with some time versus expenditure equation.  A new purchase of at least so much every couple hours.  Can’t afford it?  Then go find a seat at the public library.

When business works best it’s a partnership between the business and its customers.  I like our local coffee places because they treat me well even though I don’t drink their primary product.  In return I try avoid hogging space they need to make enough money to stay in business.

Let’s just make this an unexpected bump on the information superhighway.  With a little common sense on both sides no one needs to spill their coffee.

Call that the View From the Phlipside.

"The View From the Phlipside" airs on WRFA-LP Jamestown NY.  You can listen to WRFA online HERE
Copyright - Jay Phillippi 2010

Check out my favorite local coffee spots

Labyrinth Press, 12 East 4th St Jamestown
Rider's Cup, 305 East Fairmount Ave Lakewood

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