Thursday, July 15, 2010

So here we go...

I promised to do some more blogging.  Some actual real blogging, not just posting the scripts to my radio show.

So as the title says...

It has been very warm here of late.  Temps up into the 90s are not common here in Great Lakes country.  But we've managed to muddle along.

Senior High Conference went very well.  Had a generally good teaching series (one session that wasn't up to snuff in my opinion but it wasn't awful.  Just dull)

Day after tomorrow I will take on one of the big physical challenges of the summer - the Loop the Lake ride

Somewhere around 42 miles, fair number of hills.  The steepest tend to be short but a couple of them are a mile or more long.  When I started doing this ride  (which St. Luke's Jamestown now sponsors as a fund raiser for Episcopal Community Services - the outreach arm of our Diocese) my goal was just to finish without dying.  This year my goal is to set a new personal best time.  Looking back for my benchmark turned out to be a bit murky.  A couple years ago I did it in 4 hours, and last year my time was 3 hours and 50 minutes start to finish but I took a long break (too long, I started to stiffen up).  I figure my total cycling time was around 3:24.  But to make it clear and fair I'm looking at total time from start to finish.  Breaks are part of the run.  So my goal is between 3:30 and 3:45 total cycling time.   Which would seem eminently doable.  I've been averaging over 12 MPH on my practice runs.  The question is can I hold about a 12.5 MPH average for the overall ride?  We'll see.

Other than that we have four tomato plants going.  Three are thriving and one isn't.  Which is better than usual.  Summer is busy time at our house.  My two ladies are working away steadily.  The younger lady of the house is starting to wrap her mind around the bizarre concept that school is now over.  Just like the song says "School's out for-ever!"

There a little bit of catching up done.  9 AM Eastern time Saturday keep me in your prayers as I set off on my ride.


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