Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Book Review - More Forensics and Fiction

More Forensics and Fiction: Crime Writers Morbidly Curious Questions Expertly Answered by D.P. Lyle, M.D. (2012) -  D.P. Lyle has worked as a consultant to TV shows like "CSI Miami", "House" and "Law and Order".  He's also made quite a little cottage industry out of writing books about forensics science including a series of books where he answers questions he has received from authors doing research for their own books.  Dr. Lyle is quick to point out that he's not trying to help the bad guys but is just trying to keep things accurate in the world of fiction.

The questions can almost hysterically funny ("What injuries can result from depleted uranium bullets?", "Could my killer completely drain a human body of blood and make it appear as if a vampire were the culprit?") to the obscure ("How were comas treated in the 1500's?") to the painful ("How is a castration performed?").  The answers are fascinating in their detail and reasoning.

Not really bed time reading but great fun for people who love forensics or just enjoy learning strange stuff.

Rating - *** Worth A Look

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