Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Review - All He Saw Was the Girl

There is a wonderful feeling when you discover a writer who excites you.  It's even better when you discover that the author has more than one book for you to explore.  Peter Leonard's Voices of the Dead absolutely blew me away so when I was offered the chance to read another from him I jumped at the chance.

All He Saw Was the Girl (The Story Plant)is actually the book Leonard wrote before Voices of the Dead (his 4th novel so this one was his third).  The story follows two American students studying in Rome.  Chip is the arrogant entitled son of a U.S. Senator.  McCabe is a scholarship student trying to stay on the good side of the University.  Their adventures begin by hijacking a taxi.  When the local newspaper prints a picture with their names reversed McCabe suddenly becomes the target of kidnappers.  Throw in a beautiful woman and you've got all the complications you need for some really top flight fun.  Leonard keeps his foot to floor as the story rockets along and the dialogue (Oh, that Leonard family dialogue gene!) crackles.  McCabe is a young man determined to live his life the way he wants and he's willing to take on the local Mafia along the way.

As much as I enjoyed the book I wasn't surprised when I learned it was an earlier effort.  The writing didn't strike me as being quite as polished at the one that follows but then that's to be expected.  Clearly Peter Leonard was finding his way with steady, sure steps.

The folks at The Story Plant will be bringing out the first American edition of this book in June.  It's worth making a note to remember to grab a copy when it comes out.

Rating: *** - Good Read

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