Friday, November 18, 2011

The Books I Read

Some good, some not so...

New rating system - * - Forget it, ** - Not Impressed, *** - Solid Read, **** - Recommended Read, ***** - Add it to your Library

Code Blue by Richard Mabry MD  - Grabbed this because it looked like a medical thriller.  I was a little put off when I discovered that it was an "inspirational" novel.  I don't read Christian or inspirational stuff.  Of the small sample I've read most is either bad writing or bad theology.  The rest is both.  Well meet the exception that proves the rule.  The writing is quite good, the characters draw you in, the story is interesting and the faith stuff is handled with a wonderful light touch.  In fact if more churches handled themselves the way the folks in the book do they'd have more butts in the pews.  If I have to have a quibble the who done it answer at the end of the book was a little weak I thought.  I don't know that I'd go looking for the books of this series but I'd certainly read them if they came my way. 
 Rating - ***

Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues by Randall Peffer - This is a very interesting book that chronicles a murder in the middle of the drag queen culture in Provincetown MA.  The story sprawls from the Cape to Thailand and Viet Nam.  Sadly I think the story would have been much better served by a more sophisticated author.  The story lurches from now to flashbacks.  The problem is that sometimes you can't quite tells whose flashback it is.  The male lead might be the dumbest lawyer character I've ever come across.  He has 30 days to set up his defense for murder and arson charges against his client Tuki.  The key evidence is a security video that allegedly shows Tuki stealing the murder weapon.  When does our lawyer hero get around to looking at the video for the first time?  On day 27.  A great idea for a novel that suffers from the execution.  Too bad really. 
Rating - **

Dead Saint by Marilyn Brown Oden - Another murder mystery that centers in New Orleans.  The main character is a female bishop whom I automatically assumed was an Episcopalian.  By the end of the book I wasn't so sure.  The book itself is quite good.  Not top of the line quality but second tier good quality stuff.  It begins with the murder of the kicker of the New Orleans Saints and takes off running from there.
Rating - ***

Blood Ties by Lori Armstrong - Another mystery but starring a female lead character that has little to make her very likable.  I think the author was looking to create a tougher version of Stephanie Plum.  What she ended up with was all of Stephanie's bad traits and none of her endearing.  The story isn't bad and the writing is OK.  But I'm not sure I'm interested enough to follow this character along.
Rating - **

If the books above were just OK or less what follows were VERY pleasant surprises -

Until Again and Blue by Lou Aronica -  
   Lou Aronica is a man with a serious pedigree when it comes to science fiction.  Author, editor, publisher he has worked with Avon and Bantam.  When I saw the description of these books I knew I had to have them.  The story revolves around a father and daughter and the world they created as part their going to bed routine when the daughter was small.  And then  the daughter discovers a link that allows her to travel between those worlds.  Not only is it a GREAT idea for a book (Blue is the novel, Until Again is the prequel novella) but Aronica nails the writing.  Don't get hung up on the science fiction/fantasy aspects of the description.  Like most great stories this is about the characters.  As a youth minister there were times when I wanted to shake the dad character and tell him to stop doing EXACTLY the wrong thing with his daughter over and over.  But I also know how real some of those decisions are.  Can not recommend these books too much.  Best recommendation I can give?  I was sorry when I hit "The End"
 Rating - (both books) ****

Lou Aronica also is doing some very interesting things in supporting new authors and aspiring authors with a project called The Fiction Studio.   Just really impressive.

Gap Creek by Robert Morgan -  Now speaking of books that surprised me I must confess that I pre-judged this book.  And did it from a very foolish point of view.  This is historical fiction of which I don't read a lot and, this is so embarrassing, it was an Oprah Winfrey Book Club selection.  And I discounted it because of that.  So let's just put out there - I was wrong.  This is a wonderful book.  The characters sucked me in, the story was something completely different than anything I've read before and the author has a wonderful story telling ability. 
Rating - ****

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