Tuesday, September 28, 2010

National Banned Books Week

The last week in September is the usual time to celebrate banned books. Yes, celebrate them. I do not support banning books. Any books. Having said that I suddenly realize the problem I always have with absolute statements. A book lauding raoe or children's pornography may need to be suppressed. But such books are rare and the books most commonly banned have nothing like that involved. That isn't to deny that some books are problematic or may not be appropriate for readers of certain ages. But in a free society banning books is just a bad move.

So my celebration will be to note those books commonly banned which I have read. I am proud to present the list below:

Catcher in the Rye
Harry Potter series
The Grapes of Wrath
To Kill A Mockingbird (one of my all time favorite books)
The Lord of the Flies
Of Mice and Men
Brave New World
Animal Farm
Slaughterhouse Five
Call of the Wild
Lord of the Rings trilogy
In Cold Blood
Cat's Cradle
A Separate Peace
Rabbit Run (actually disliked this book quite a bit)
His Dark Materials trilogy
Fahrenheit 451
A Prayer for Owen Meany
A Wrinkle in Time (loved these books)

It strikes me that this list is way too short. In the next year I will try to read several more commonly banned books.


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